Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Your Personal Fashion Guide to Recruitment

Recruitment can feel a bit nerve wracking and scary as it is, but no need to stress on what to wear each day! I am here to give you some advice and suggestions so you can look fabulous, and still feel comfortable. COMFORT. The most important thing during recruitment. From personal experience, I chose to wear uncomfortable clothing and I regret it to this day.

Here's a day-by-day break down of what to wear: Open House

-All you will need to wear is the T-shirt provided for you by Panhellenic, khaki shorts, and tennis shoes. I suggest wearing 3 inch JCREW khaki shorts because they are the perfect length and JCREW even gives you a student discount by showing your school ID! If not, any khaki short will do, just make sure they are not too short!

-On this day, I suggest wearing a light sundress. You need to remember that you will be running from house to house so try and wear a dress where sweat won't appear. You can wear wedges or flats during this day. If you wear wedges, YOU NEED to put a pair of flip flops in your rush bag. I promise it will make all the difference wearing flip flops from house to house and then putting on your wedges before you go inside. Skit

-This day is a little more fancy. Wear a dress that is a step up from a sundress but a step down from a cocktail dress if that makes sense. Maybe darker colors will help set the mood for this day. You can wear wedges, heels or flats but I suggest wearing wedges or heels and then flip flops in between houses. Preference

-On this night everyone is required to wear black. This is the most important and memorable night of them all so dress a bit fancier than the rest. Heels are normally worn on this night as well.

On each day you can wear any jewelry you want but just remember you will be in a house with hundreds of girls so it tends to get hot and sweaty. I hope this helps you with planning what to wear each day during Recruitment. We are all so excited to meet you and can't wait to see what kind of style you bring to Zeta Tau Alpha!
Bid Day 2014

Morgan Nussbaum, Entertainment Chair


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