Thursday, November 14, 2013

ZTA Think Pink Pure Ryde

Zetas after class with our instructor!
            I couldn’t wait to sign up for the Think Pink cycling class when I heard the Zetas were going to be doing a charity ride. What’s better than getting a good workout while helping out such a great cause like Breast Cancer Education and Awareness!? The cycling class was held at Pure Ryde in Austin and they put on a great class for us. The lights were dimmed, the music was loud, and the energy was high.  

           All the Zetas sported their Think Pink shirts and were all energized and pumped for this awesome workout. We were constantly motivated by our instructor to keep pushing for all the fighters and survivors out there! We would cheer one another on, rooting for our sisters when it was their time to pedal the fastest. This was such an awesome experience for my sisters and I, we all loved being able to stay fit and help out a cause that we hold so close to our hearts. A big thanks to Pure Ryde for holding this cycling class for us! I am sure a lot of Zetas will be back soon!

Caleigh Campbell PC '13


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