Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Annual ZTA Alumni Trick-or-Treat

Last Sunday, Zeta hosted our annual Alumni Trick-or-Treat at the house. It is one of my favorite events we do with the alumni because it is so fun to play with their adorable children, dressed up in the cutest costumes. For the event, we hired a face painter, decorated all the rooms in the house so the kids could trick-or-treat from door to door, provided yummy Halloween cupcakes and snacks, set up fun Halloween games in the backyard, and had a craft table where the kids could make masks. Of course my Zeta friends and I had to get our faces painted too because who doesn't love face paint? We even have face painters at Zeta formal! For the Alumni Trick-or Treat, I got a giant blue glittery bat across my entire face!
My favorite part of the event was definitely seeing all the cute, creative costumes. There were unicorns, superheroes, princesses, animals, and even a slice of pizza! In college, we hardly ever see little kids, so it’s so fun to be able to play with them at alumni events. The best part was towards the end of the day after everyone had finished trick-or-treating and all the kids were running around outside. It was so precious to see them all playing together. It’s amazing that our alumni network is so strong that their kids are all good friends too! It reminds me that zeta really is forever, because so many of the women are still friends today! Overall, it was such a fun day and a great way to celebrate Halloween with my sisters!


Ann-Charlotte Proffit PC '12

This past Sunday, Zeta hosted its annual Alumni Trick or Treat and it was nothing short of fantastic! It was so great to see a ton of Alumni and their kids all decked out in the most unique costumes. The house was decorated, yummy treats were out, and the girls put on their prettiest (or scariest) costume, all in preparation for the event. To go a step further into the Halloween spirit, PC ’13 decorated all of the house girl’s doors so that the kids could trick or treat from room to room. When the clock hit four, all of the Zetas were hidden behind spider-webbed doors patiently waiting for the trick or treaters to come knocking. It was so entertaining to see how excited the kids were and all of their crazy costumes ranging from monkeys to minions! In the backyard, there were more activities and games, not to mention my personal favorite – face painting! The event was a success and I cannot wait to for next year’s Halloween at the Zeta house!

Mary Marek PC '12 


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