Monday, November 18, 2013

Think Pink Week 2013

Monday's Think Pink Chapter Dinner!

The week before the Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure is always Think Pink Week at the Zeta house! This years Think Pink Week consisted of a lot of activities and events centered around raising awareness about breast cancer.  

The week started off with an all pink dinner before our chapter meeting on Monday night provided by our great chef, Chef Holly. The Pink fun continued on Tuesday where Zetas wore pink shirts and passed out think pink ribbons on campus. Some of us even went to a Think Pink Cycling class benefitting Susan G. Komen at PureRyde Austin!

On Wednesday we all gathered in the Gregory Gym to watch a presentation on Breast Cancer Education and Awareness. We heard stories from a survivor and great advice on how to stop the onsets of breast cancer from local Ausitn doctors. Thursday Zetas gathered at the Zeta house to make posters for breast cancer survivors that we paraded with in the Race for the Cure on that Sunday.

The last Think Pink Week event Zeta took apart in was running or walking the Race for the Cure, which was conviniently on our Parent's Weekend! It was so much fun sharing our philanthropy with our parents. The race was followed by an amazing Sunday brunch at the Zeta house, featuring delicious pink pancakes, pink deviled eggs, and pink bagels!  This week was not only filled with a lot of fun, but it also raised a lot of awareness for a cause that is near and dear to all of our Zeta hearts.

Annie Hukill PC '13

PC '12 Lauren Sanders and her mother Racing for The Cure!


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