Thursday, March 5, 2020

National Rituals Week: Responsibility

From the moment I walked through the doors of the Zeta Tau Alpha house during recruitment week, I was immediately in awe of the girls I was lucky enough to have conversations with. After hearing the stories of different members within the Kappa chapter during Philanthropy and Sisterhood rounds, I not only knew that this is where I wanted my future home to be, but I also found so much value in following the footsteps of the girls ahead of me so I then decided I have no choice but to do the same. A few of my many inspirations were derived from hearing girls speak about juggling their busy schedules of class, outside organizations, leadership positions in Zeta, a social life, and of course simply figuring out how to create a life of their own. Now, after experiencing a semester and a half of college, I have gained an even greater respect for the roles these girls hold, and I often find myself questioning how they do it. The answer is simple. Between balancing a busy life and knowing when to make time for themselves, so many members within this chapter of Zeta exemplify “responsibility” to a tee!
            If there is one word to describe by first semester of college it would be: overwhelmed. I was shocked by the immense difficulty of numerous tasks I was expected to complete on a daily basis on top of trying to keep up with the high expectations Zeta sets for each of its members. Although it felt like a struggle at first, Zeta’s confidence in knowing my potential is what taught me responsibility in just a few months’ time span. 
            Zeta encourages its members to join outside organizations, support external philanthropies, join different councils and committees within the chapter, participate in sisterhood events, maintain a social life, and of course keep up high GPAs. I know this may seem too hard to handle, but these expectations taught me how to balance and maintain a responsible lifestyle. Although I most definitely face struggles just like everyone else, Zeta Tau Alpha’s constant encouragement motivates me to keep going and pushes me to do more. As a second semester freshman, I now seek responsibility in every aspect of my life. I have found a balance between a social life, when to facetime to my family, how to efficiently study, finding what I am most passionate about, participating in program council, and so much more. 
            Learning to live on my own was tough, but I am beyond fortunate enough to have found a home surrounded by encouraging, inspirational, beautiful, and smart young women who continually teach me to strive to do better, all the while keeping up responsibility. Thank you, Zeta Tau Alpha!

Love, Caroline Krafcheck MC19


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