Friday, March 13, 2015

Rewarding Rituals

Rituals week was set up with five days for five different qualities embodied in Zeta women. Each day had a theme that offered our members the opportunity to post a picture to represent the attribute. Rituals week is especially near and dear to my heart because of my position in Zeta. I applied for the rituals assistant position because I loved the traditions and secrets that our fraternity holds. So, naturally, rituals week was something that I was very excited about! It was a chance for me to spread the word about the sorority that I love and show how wonderful it is to be a Texas Zeta. Living by the creed is extremely important to me, as it is for all of my sisters. This was a chance for us to share a little of our philosophy about sisterhood with the world. But what makes rituals week truly special is that it extends beyond our sisterhood to our friends and family. 
        Rituals week is different from most Zeta events because it is an independent event. Each one of us was instructed to post a picture that represented our sisterhood in some way and a portion of the creed that was applicable to the theme of that day. It was important because it caused each member that participated to apply the creed to their life and think about what being a Zeta truly means in our daily lives. It was interesting to see which part of the creed each member felt was important. It reveals a lot about each sister and which aspect they chose to emphasize about our sorority.
        This event made me analyze our creed- our way of living- with different eyes. I was forced to pick aspects to emphasize and examine. Even though I did this on my own, it connected me more with my sisters, because I was examining our common bond. Overall, this event was very inspiring and unexpectedly brought me closer to my sorority! And just because this event happens once a year doesn’t mean that we can't continue to analyze the creed and live every day by its values. I am ready to continue to use what I learned during rituals week to spread the Zeta love!

ZLAM- Rachel Kennedy


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