This year for National Rituals Celebration Week, we have decided to highlight five of Zeta's nine Key Values through a "A Value A Day" social media series. Our Nine Key Values include Service & Philanthropy, Love, Lifelong Learning, Loyalty, Being Rather than Seeming, Humility, Responsibility, Seeking Understanding, and Leadership. These values are meant to guide Zetas in our everyday lives to be the best women and sisters we can be. Today, we begin with Leadership! In Zeta Tau Alpha, we define a leader as someone who is true to herself, seeks for opportunities to build others up, thinks critically to find the root causes of an issue and works diligently to enact effective solutions. We will hear from both our current President, PC ‘16 Rebecca Petty as well as PC ‘17 Molly Barth on how their membership in Zeta has helped cultivate them into the leaders and women they are today. Follow along this week with both the blog and our Instagram to hear how some of the Zeta Key Values are being lived out everyday within our sisterhood! Happy Monday! :)
-Hartley Reese, Rituals Chairman PC ‘17
Monday: Leadership
A few words from our President, Rebecca Petty PC ‘16:
Leadership is a term that Zeta has helped me define. It has turned me into a better women and helped me channel my ambition. Leadership is not telling someone what to do, but rather helping others fulfill their true potential by guiding a team of people in whatever it is we are pursuing. I saw this value in action first hand while serving on the executive council last year, and that encouraged me along with support from my sisters to take the opportunity to apply to be president this year. I wanted to be able to be a leader and pour into other women who were going to be new on executive council and allow them to see their true potential as I did my first year. Leading is not easy, it is a skill that has to be built upon and molded to those you are leading. I have learned this lesson throughout my life, but I have not learned more about myself as a leader and what leadership truly means than being apart of this fraternity. It has instilled this value within me and I am forever grateful.
Molly Barth PC ‘17:
Being a part of a sorority that has such genuinely kind, smart, and driven girls is one of the greatest things! In Zeta, you’re surrounded by girls who are motivated to help and do their best. There are so many ways for everybody to get involved. Anybody who wants to, is able to. Some choose to be a leader in the chapter through executive council, programs council, or a variety of committees. Leadership is such a vital part of Zeta, that it is one of our nine key values!
I am currently Director of Membership Enrichment, which basically means I help with things like Value Based Programming as well as maintaining Health and Wellness in the chapter. My favorite part of my position is running Caring Committee, which is basically a way for sisters to look out for each other and make sure girls struggling in anyway have someone there to help them! Everybody goes through things beyond their control and having sisters and friends there to help you is so powerful. The entire chapter works together to ensure that every girl is the best they can be. You’re never alone in ZTA!
Zetas not only rise to the occasion to help lead our chapter, but also bring their leadership across campus and out into the world! For me, the positions I’ve held helped me find a job in a field I have always been interested in, Government!
When I interviewed for my current job working with the legislators and lobbyists at the Capitol in Austin, my now boss, was so amazed by all of the Zeta leadership opportunities on my resume. We talked for almost the entire interview about committees that I was on for our philanthropy, and exactly what I did in them! I have learned so much about being a leader and working with others in my positions in Zeta, and without them I probably wouldn’t have been prepared for my interview or the responsibilities my job now requires.
I love helping to get things done in Zeta, because everyone has the potential and drive to be a leader here. Whether you’re outgoing or shy or have a little bit or a lot of time to give, it takes a variety of leaders to make this chapter successful! I’m so thankful that leadership is a key value in Zeta, and that we all work every single day to truly embrace it.
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